Transformation Ministry
The Transformation Ministry to FOC and the Community at large whose Vision is: To equip individuals for healing and wholeness through deepening and maturing relationships with God and one another.
This is done through a two-pronged focus:
Romans 12:2 Relational/Community Transformation: through classes that enable participants to more vibrantly connect with God and others and are offered at various times throughout the year as part of the School of Equipping.
Isaiah 61 Inner Healing Transformation: prayer ministry, led by the Holy Spirit, exists to bring physical, emotional, and spiritual healing to those seeking to walk in God’s truth, freedom, and wholeness.
People who are interested in helping others develop deeper relationships with the Lord are always welcome on this team, whether it be to facilitate one of our classes or to pray with someone. Training is provided for all who minister and we would love to have you as part of that.
Romans 12:2 Relational/Community Transformation Classes
Isaiah 61 Inner Healing Transformation
Attune to Attach: Rather than --- having relationships filled with misunderstanding, we grow our self-awareness and connection with God, as well as our ability to journey life’s path with others. We meet and interact with the love of Jesus where a person is, rather than where we want them to be.
Transition to Transformation: Rather than--- being trapped in ineffective life patterns, we look at God’s design, learn to get unstuck, grow practically, and live life fully.
Forming: Rather than--- working harder to please God, we learn to change through being more fully engaged with Him in a loving, safe, and grace-filled relationship.
Restarting: Rather than--- being stuck in our woundedness and addictions, we learn to overcome them as we understand our own intricate design and need for relationship with God and others.
Belonging: Rather than--- being “alone,” we discover and grow our own ability to create relationships and community.
Isaiah 61 Inner Healing Prayer is offered by trained volunteer prayer ministers who are accountable to the Pastoral and Transformation Leadership Team.
Training, equipping, and mentoring prayer ministers: open to those who have a desire and a call to be a part of this ministry.